Soul Mates

Do you believe there’s such a thing? When most think of soul mates they think only of romantic relationships. Every girl searches for her soul mate…the perfect MAN… when in reality, you’ve more than likely already met HER. That’s right… we said HER. We’re talking about your best friend… We mean your ‘BFF’. Your perfect match. OMG WTF SMH BFF…

Bet by now you’re wondering who we, the self-proclaimed soul mates/BFFs are? We’re two women who met a little later in life (at age 21) and instantly clicked. We act/think a little too much alike for our own good. A perfect pair… A modern day Laverne and Shirley.

In our world we’re broke socialites…the poor man’s Paris and Nicole… we like to have fun, we have a lot to say, and most importantly WE KNOW EVERYTHING.

Welcome to our blog. Feel free to express your opinion on anything we say whether you agree or disagree.

Signing off,
Thelma & Louise

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for what we say so don’t hold it against us =D


  Double Trouble

August 11, 2009 at 4:42 PM

Hey Who Dat?... Sorry we're still learning how to navigate this thing.. But here's an answer for your questions... We actually have significant others... well one of us right now... and we've had them in the past. That's the beauty of friendships... they last longer than sexual relationships.
We can't speak for our significant others but it works for us ... If they don't like it they can "kick rocks", we're in it for the long run :)

Signing off,
Dumb and Dumber

  Who Dat? We Dat!

August 12, 2009 at 8:54 AM

I meant serious relationships that are more serious then just sexual.. What if one day it got to the point of marriage and/or kids? What are you gonna do then? move ya bff into the basement? Lol, I have seen females who have these friends who are so close, it's like they're in a relationship with them and it begins to cloud they're intimate relationship.. And for the significant other, it's a burden because they have to get in where they fit in. Do you think this is fair?