Braid My Hair … Come on and braid my hair?

Recently one of us ran into a FiNNNNe young man… good looking… nice body… great smile… positive attitude… but there was just one thing lurking under his fitted cap:


So our question is just how old is too old for dudes to have braids? Its 2009 and we find it a tad strange that older gentlemen (and by that we mean any man over 25) are still rocking braids.
Ladies, would u date men with braids? Personally we’d be a tad put off (by the maintenance required and the out-dated styles) but if he meets all other criteria we might just give it a chance. And to the men, are you considering growing ur hair out for braids? Are there any men with corporate level positions with braids? Or can most be found with blue-collar jobs or in the entertainment industry? Can braids be pulled off even if ur older but possess a certain swag i.e. Snoop Dogg?
Now please help us decide... Should dude get a chance? Please entertain us and leave ur thoughts, feelings, and feedback in the comment box.
In the meanwhile here are some reasons why u shouldn't have braids:

*if u have a receding or unstable hairline
*if u have any bald spots …specifically a huge one in the center of ur head
*if u have grandchildren who are also sporting braids GIVE EM UP
*if u wear a suit to work
*if ur hair is thinning there’s so much space that the next braid is a whole town away
*if ur hair is gray

If you can check yes for any of these statements then braids are not for you.
Feel free to add ur own tips :)
Signing off,
Milli Vanilli

The Sooner Yall Know That, The Better Off Yall Will Be

"Men cheat for the same reason that dogs lick their balls, because they can. It's part of their biology." Samantha from Sex in the City

So we’re kicking it the other day with a younger male cousin (age 23) and he decided he was going to school us as to why men cheat. ‘We just do it… all of us… no matter what race, nationality, or creed.’ After giving him the stankiest faces we could muster … he went on ‘men are only as faithful as their options… and we ALL have options…don’t get me wrong, we don’t cheat ALL the time, but if the right opportunity arises, we won’t turn it down.’ ... still angry but not really shocked, we clarified ‘so what ur saying is the most we can expect a man to be faithful is for some months, maybe?’. He nodded. Our reply ‘men ain’t shit!’ … him ‘the sooner yall know that, the better off yall will be’.

So there u have it in plain English. How do you feel about this? IS he exaggerating, are there men out there that won’t cheat AT ALL? Does he feel that way because he’s young? Do they change at a certain age? From his perception it doesn’t matter if the man is old or young, married or single. After our deep conversation, we then watched him manipulate about 3 different girls on the phone.

He told girl number 1 ‘well baby, u know I don’t really make plans on Fridays… I just kind of go with the flow’

To girl number 2 ‘I work nights baby-girl, Fridays are no good’

To girl number 3 he told ‘I have something special planned for u, a secret date, Friday night’

UGHHH …secret date? Secret from who was our question… sadly ALL of these girls are under the impression that they’re the one! …sigh… We were totally disgusted as we watched him charm his way into not only their pants but their hearts.

Why must he be like that? Why must that dog chase the cat?
Signing off,
Bill Clinton and Jessie Jackson

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for what we say so don’t hold it against us =D
Disclaimer 2: no men were harmed in the making of this blog

LOG the F#CK OUT! A discussion on Facebook Stalking/Obsession

So Facebook runs our lives. It’s the last thing we check before we go to sleep and the first thing we look at when we wake up. From friendlists to photo albums we run through it all. So u’re at work and u get a midday text message ‘gurllllll check (insert name here) status’… 'look at the comment he made'. Sadly ur response is GURLLLL I ALREADY SAW IT or OMG why do u think he said that? IDK let’s look at his girlfriend’s page… It’s all in fun and playful…

One night as we were leaving the club and getting into our car two boys approached us… hey can we talk to yall? What’s yall names? And we replied “Paris and Nicole”. The frivolous convo continued until we were bored. Long story short after promising them we’d call… their reply went something like ‘okay Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie (yes first and last names) we’re friends on Facebook already so we’ll find u!.’ Awkward? So when does it get out of control?

Scenario 1: When ur at the club can you spot people by first and last name (and sometimes middle)? For example: heyy girl… there goes Tyrone ‘Im a Fiend’ Biggums from Facebook.
Or do u have people that will actually come up to u and tell u they KNOW u and they mean strictly from Facebook? i.e. hey don’t I know u? no I don’t think so. Yes I do... ur (insert name here), we’re friends … on FB

Scenario 2: Before u accept a friend request do u have to check who ur mutual friends are and subsequently do a 2nd round check for enemies? And if u’re a lady and another woman friends u… do u skeptically put her on a limited profile before fully checking her credentials?

Scenario 3: Do u get daily FB Chat pop-ups from people u only know thru FB but u have convos like u’ve been friends forever?

Scenario 4: Do u regularly change ur name because u either think or know u have stalkers WATCHING? ((cue Rockwell: I always feeeeel like somebodies watching meeeeeee) i.e. do you know of people that have purposely made fake page after fake page just to go through ur ish or contact u?

Scenario 5: If u’re in a relationship…do u find urself obsessively checking ur significant others page to make sure they’re behaving (at least in public)… is s/he set on high priority?

Scenario 6: Coworkers … and Facebook… bad combo? Should u limit some and not all? Do u really wanna be the topic of convo at the water fountain?
i.e. Girl ur so quiet when ur here… but ur nothing like that in real life. Me and (other coworker) were just talking about how wild u and ur friends are!!!

And on a similar note ur ‘mature’ family members definitely fall in the same category…

Real life example: a cousin said he’d have to delete me because he was going for a new job and they look at ish like that… and he doesn’t want me or my friends doing anything WILD… DUDE how bout u stay OFF my PAGEEEE

Scenario 7: Do u update ur status sometimes to purposely EFF with people? Is ur main goal in life to cause emotional uproar via Facebook status?

WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH FOR U? Let us know what your thoughts are… and BE HONEST

Signing off,
Sherlock Holmes and Watson

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for what we say so don’t hold it against us =D

Soul Mates

Do you believe there’s such a thing? When most think of soul mates they think only of romantic relationships. Every girl searches for her soul mate…the perfect MAN… when in reality, you’ve more than likely already met HER. That’s right… we said HER. We’re talking about your best friend… We mean your ‘BFF’. Your perfect match. OMG WTF SMH BFF…

Bet by now you’re wondering who we, the self-proclaimed soul mates/BFFs are? We’re two women who met a little later in life (at age 21) and instantly clicked. We act/think a little too much alike for our own good. A perfect pair… A modern day Laverne and Shirley.

In our world we’re broke socialites…the poor man’s Paris and Nicole… we like to have fun, we have a lot to say, and most importantly WE KNOW EVERYTHING.

Welcome to our blog. Feel free to express your opinion on anything we say whether you agree or disagree.

Signing off,
Thelma & Louise

Disclaimer: we are not responsible for what we say so don’t hold it against us =D